Grunt, groan, wha wha... What could I do to help the little one? After trying to get her back to sleep a few times, I realized there was nothing I could do but wait, so I decided to go back to bed till she was ready for my help. But I wasn't sleeping. I was paying close attention to everything that was happening. Mom soon came in and tryed offering her food, as I had done, and was no more successful than I. It was simple: food wasn't what she needed.
Mom kept trying to offer her food, not knowing what was really going on. Still, I said nothing. I just waited. When the time was right, I got up and gave her what she needed.
As I returned to bed, I thought about it. Just because I couldn't help her immediately, and it didn't look like I was doing anything about it, didn't mean I was ignoring her or didn't care. Sometimes there are battles that we have to fight that God can't help us with. But it doesn't mean He doesn't care or is ignoring us. He's paying close attention to our cries, watching just what's happening to us, wishing that He could help us. And when the time is best, He comes to our aid. What a loving God!
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